7 Surprising Reasons a Carpet Cleaning is More Refreshing Than New Socks
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legs with socks resting on upholstery in Farmington Hills MIYou know that feeling of putting on freshly cleaned pajamas and climbing into a bed that has newly washed bed sheets? Well imagine that feeling every time you walk into a room. Freshly cleaned carpets are more refreshing than new socks and we’ll tell you why.

Reason 1

A room with spotless, fluffy carpet makes a room look its best.

Reason 2

Carpet that is regularly cleaned lasts longer and what’s more refreshing than pocketing some extra cash instead of spending it on repairs?

Reason 3

A fresh carpet influences a room to have fresh air. Air flows easier without getting blocked in dirty carpet. Breathe easy after a carpet cleaning with air that isn’t stuffy.

Reason 4

Say goodbye to intense seasonal allergies because a carpet cleaning removes 98% of allergens. Wouldn’t it be refreshing to enjoy the Spring season instead of dread it?

Reason 5

Smell that? It’s the smell of your freshly cleaned carpet that now smell fresh instead of dusty and stuffy.

Reason 6

The feeling of soft carpet underfoot makes walking into a room a whole new refreshing experience.

Reason 7

Guests find it more enjoyable to be in a clean home. Refresh your mood with some great company!

Refresh your carpet with a cleaning today! (248) 476-3580