Can carpet cleaning get rid of dog urine? Farmington Hills MI
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dog urine removal on carpet Farmington Hills MI

Ewww! There’s no denying it, a urine stain is horrible. It leaks deep into carpet and down through the carpet backing. Even if you manage to remove the stain from sight- it is near impossible to get rid of the smell. So what can be done? Can a carpet cleaning really get rid of dog urine?

If the carpet cleaning is with Metro Chem-Dry, then the answer is yes! Our superior pet urine removal solution shows incredible results. Instead of masking the odor with perfumes, we remove it entirely. Tiny carbonated bubbles penetrate the carpet floor and immediately begin to break down urine crystals. The crystals are exploded, eliminating the urine stain and odor once and for all! So the answer is yes! A carpet cleaning can get rid of dog urine!