Advanced BFG Site

Basic SiteAdvanced Site
Mobile Responsive
Mobile Responsive
1 Basic Template
1 Basic Template
3 Advanced Templates
3 Advanced Templates
Customizable Default Pages
Editable Content Sections
Advanced Content Editing
Advanced Content Editing
Specials Page with Coupons
Specials Page
Unlimited Coupons
Number of CouponsMax 6 coupon limitUnlimited
SSL (https encrypted site)
Basic SEO (meta tags)
Basic SEO (meta and canonical tags)
Advanced SEO (validation, scripts, alt tags)
Advanced SEO (seo validation, scripts, alt tags, menu text, etc)
Supports Call Tracking Metrics
Supports Call Tracking Metrics
Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery
Create Additional Pages
Create Additional Pages
Basic Request Cleaning Form
Basic Request Cleaning Form
OnTrack Scheduling Form
OnTrack Scheduling Form
Dedicated Video Page
Dedicated Video Page
Dedicated Blog Page
Dedicated Blog Page
Dedicated Local Reviews Page
Dedicated Local Reviews Page
Review Tracker Integration
Review Tracker Integration
onTrack Integration
onTrack Integration
Customizable FAQ blocks
Customizable FAQ blocks
CostNo Cost$25/Month

Your Franchise Needs Our SEO Services! 

BFG is excited to announce the launch of our new sites! Our team has been working hard on improving the personalized services that we provide for each of our customers. Our employees in the Web Marketing Department work hard each day with Chem-Dry and N-Hance franchises on a personal level. Our team provides individual franchises with customizable marketing that is specific to their area and particular needs. In addition, when you call BELFOR you can personally speak to your trained and innovative Search Engine Optimization Representative and discuss marketing questions and ideas that will drive more online traffic and future sales to your business. We look forward to providing you with economical, dependable, and personalized web marketing services!

Why Use an Advanced Site? 

With our new platform, there are many new features that are available to be customized. Although our basic and advanced packages both have new and improved features our advanced site contains a greater opportunity for personalizing your franchise's site and content to set your business apart from your competitors. Our advanced package will increase your franchise's ability to connect to your individual areas and future customers. With all that the advanced sites offer such as: unlimited custom pages to support SEO & PPC, built-in advanced SEO tools, call tracking integration, optional blog, customizable FAQ blocks and much, much more BELFOR wants to make sure that your franchise is able to take advantage of all of the new and improved features. We understand that as franchise owners you have a lot on your plate and we want to help take some of the stress off of your shoulders. That is why we offer in-house SEO services. Our Search Engine Optimization Representatives are trained, innovative, and will use their skills and web marketing background and experience to provide you with optimal results with your new site. 


SEO Pricing

Get found on the Internet more often when prospects search Google, Yahoo, or Bing for key search terms related to your business.

Price: $155/mo.

Social Media Pricing

Social Media Account Creation. Regular updates and posts to social accounts. We keep your accounts active with localized content that is specific to your franchise. Account Setup & Maintenance: - Facebook

Price: $40-$150/mo.

Microsite Pricing

After purchasing a domain name through BFG, you can purchase a Microsite complete with 11 templates to choose from.

Price: $25/mo.